Are socks needed with summer men's shoes?
Men in no situation, should wear sandals to work, since climb the stair will be uncomfortable. In addition to that, sandals are not acceptable in the business dress code, so one needs to wear only classic models. Women's feet in the summer are completely sealed with band aids, since socks under women's shoes are no longer worn. What about men?
Some argue that any espadrilles and summer shoes don't require socks, but how is it really? Shoes, unfortunately, rarely are sewn from an individual order, and the already made ones usually never corresponds to the shape of ones foot. This leads to scuffs, calluses, and blisters. In socks, the foot is more comfortable in the shoe.
However, the shoes also receive some from the feet: everything that is emitted by the surface of the skin of the feet, reaches the inside of the shoe, is absorbed by it, and begins to have an unpleasant smell. As a result, not only the feet suffer, but the shoes as well.
Socks made of cotton, linen or silk perform a hygienic function: absorb moisture and keep it in themselves, which makes the shoes not stick to the feet, since the socks provide with at least a minimal amount of air movement.
Therefore, it is better to listen to your own feelings and remember that all of the dress code rules are first of all about comfort, including your personal. Therefore, socks should be worn, and should not be neglected as means of hygiene.
What do you think: do we need socks for hygienic purposes, or you can go without them?
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